HVAC Install at Subway Sandwich Shop
Existing structure in Canyon, Texas, to install new HVAC and all duct work, including the fabrication of metal duct and install. Give us a call for custom quotes or FREE second opinions.
New Subway Sandwich Shop in existing structure, remodel from the studs up.
Our Task
Metal fabrication into duct work for air flow throughout restaurant. Hang silver flexible ducting throughout structure. Fabricate a exhaust for bread oven. Connect all HVAC components to duct work and return.
Skills Involved
- Mount new HVAC to roof of building
- Fabricate metal into duct work and return and hang from ceiling.
- Hang silver flexible duct from ceiling and run to all areas of building for heat and air.
- Fabricate exhaust and hang over bread oven.
- Finish return air flow and all other air vents and connect to ceiling tile.
- Test start HVAC and check all components and ducting.