New HVAC system for home.

Private resedence needing to replace entire HVAC system, being over 40 years old it is not working as it should and needs to be updated. Give us a call for custom quotes or pricing from Adam’s Air, Amarillo, Texas

Private residence in South Amarillo.



Replacing all HVAC, (furnace, coil, and condenser), plus replace all duct work.


  • Prepare area in garage as to not make too much of a mess and easy clean up
  • Take out all old metal Cody pipe and insulation covering it.
  • Take out old furnace, coil, and condenser.
  •  Install and take all steps to install new condenser.
  • Install Hang Rite
  • Bring to the attic, furnace, coil, and plenums and all necessary tools.
  • Install all components and finish install.
  • Get all new flex duct up stairs into attic and install to system and individual vents in ceiling and into plenums.
  • Make sure new system is running perfectly.
  • Clean up attic, garage, any interior areas, and outside.