This time of year is always very trying for my family and I, and even the team I work with. Just this month we have had at least four members of the team out because of a respiratory sickness or infection, and its a hard thing to shake. Day to day temperature changes from cold to warm or hot makes us think that our immune system is messed up, but that is not the case at all. Warmer weather always brings humans out of the hibernation state and we like to see friends and be more active and social, and we hang around more people, and of course the more people we socialize with, the more germs are spread easier. It is officially still winter, as I am typing this and I just took off my jacket because outside its a balmy 65 degrees. But The jacket will stay in the truck, because living in the high plains of Texas one never knows what could come around the corner. One thing we can think about is this, dress in layers. I do and it helps. As warmer temps start to rise during the late morning hours, you can start peeling coats, or jackets off, and roll up the long sleeves if needed. Another thing we can do is to keep a scarf, hat, and gloves either in your vehicle, or at your work place, this is for a “just in case moment”,and if it happens, and you have drastic weather changes you will be ready. This reminds me of something that happen a few years ago, in West Texas. It was mid April and I was in Nashville but our flight was delayed because of snow at home. Well once we got home, the weather turned again and it started raining and in a heavy way, then a dust storm came through, so the snow that was left was now brown and the windows, cars, and streets became mud! It was raining mud! That night to cap it all off, we had tornado warnings. Also since we stay inside quite often during colder months, we miss out on essential vitamins, so be sure to take more than usual.