Don Harrington Discovery Center

The Don Harrington Discovery Center, located in Amarillo, Texas, is an interactive science museum that offers a wide range of activities and exhibits for visitors of all ages. The center is dedicated to promoting science education and inspiring curiosity in visitors through hands-on, interactive experiences.

The center was named after its founder, Don Harrington, a successful businessman and philanthropist who was passionate about promoting science education in the community. It was originally housed in a small facility, but over the years, it has grown and expanded to its current location. The center’s exhibits and programs have also evolved to reflect the latest developments in science and technology.

One of the main attractions at the Discovery Center is the planetarium, which offers a variety of shows and presentations on astronomy and space science. The planetarium is equipped with a state-of-the-art digital projection system and a surround sound system, providing visitors with a fully immersive experience. Visitors can also take a guided tour of the night sky and learn about the stars, planets, and galaxies that make up our universe.

The Discovery Center also features a wide variety of hands-on exhibits that cover a range of scientific topics, such as physics, biology, and chemistry. These exhibits allow visitors to engage with science in a fun and interactive way. The center’s exhibits are designed to be both educational and entertaining, with a focus on making science accessible to everyone.

In addition to the exhibits and planetarium shows, the Discovery Center also offers a variety of programs and events throughout the year. These include science camps for kids, workshops for educators, and special events such as science festivals and guest speaker presentations. The center also offers a variety of outreach programs that bring science education to schools and communities throughout the region.

The Discovery Center also has a gift shop where you can find educational and fun toys, games, and books that can help you continue learning and exploring science outside the center.

In conclusion, the Don Harrington Discovery Center is a great destination for anyone looking to learn more about science and the natural world. The center’s exhibits and programs are designed to be both educational and entertaining, making science accessible to visitors of all ages. The Discovery Center is an excellent place for families, students, and anyone interested in science to spend a day and discover the wonder of the world around them.

For more information about the Amarillo area, click here.

Map from Don Harrington Discovery Center to Adam’s Air

Map from Don Harrington Discovery Center to Amarillo Museum of Art