Entries by George Deahl

Breathe Easier at Home

  If you have read our blogs or looked at our social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and our Google page then you know we speak quite about indoor air quality in your home, and items you can purchase from us to help you breathe easier at home.  And we still offer these […]

806 Air Duct Cleaning, (new company from Adam’s Air! Copy

Adam’s Air has a new company that you need to be aware of, and that is 806 Air Duct Cleaning and Indoor Air Quality. We have partnered up with Air Oasis and we sell and install their product, such as the Nano 9 and the Bi-Polar, two products that help eliminate pollutants in your home, […]

Summarization for Your HVAC.

Adam’s Air wants to make sure your HVAC is working properly in getting ready for those hot summer days that are soon upon us. We use a 25 point inspection of both the outside condenser and the inside coil and air handler. We want to make sure every part is working for you. The most […]

The True Meaning of Christmas

Jesus was born in order to pay the price for the things we have done wrong: sin. God sent his only son to be the atonement for all our sins so that we would not be separated from God. Without Jesus, we would all die for our sins. We inherited our sin nature from the […]