Entries by George Deahl

Fan Blower Wheel Must be Kept Clean

In your HVAC there is a blower and a fan that pushes heat or air out to your home, what ever the season might be, winter or summer. These blower wheels are designed to push air out. Any dirt on the blades will cause your blower motor to work harder. This makes your system draw […]

HVAC Preventative Maintenance

As you know preventative maintenance on your HVAC is very important. All the air that is in your home runs through the HVAC. Every year, every day, every minute your heater or air conditioner is on this takes place. Why is preventative maintenance important? • Longer Useful Life– your HVAC can last up to twenty […]

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning !!!

Carbon Monoxide is not a good thing to breathe in.  It can cause serious problems and even death!  The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention claims this is the silent killer.  Carbon Monoxide or ‘CO’ as we will call it, is an odorless, colorless gas and it can kill you.   CO can be found […]

Clogged Condensate Drain Means Problems

You know your condensate drain is clogged when you see water on the floor, or if you are seeing what could be water coming through your ceiling into your home this could cause even more costly problems. You see the drain pulls excess water from your systems and sometimes with our weather and wind and […]