HVAC Preventative Maintenance

As you know preventative maintenance on your HVAC is very important. All the air that is in your home runs through the HVAC. Every year, every day, every minute your heater or air conditioner is on this takes place. Why is preventative maintenance important?

Longer Useful Life– your HVAC can last up to twenty years if you take care of it. Simply changing out air filters will make a huge difference.

Increased Safety– Biannual maintenance checks allows a professional to clean your system and inspect all parts of the furnace or air conditioner and coil. That’s why with Adam’s Air, we offer free Summarization and Winterization for home owners.

Lower Energy Costs-An inspection from an Adam’s Air technician ensures your HVAC is running at its peak efficiency. If not checked before peak times of performance at the start of summer and winter, your system can lose up to 40% of its efficiency.

Reduced Risk of HVAC Shutdown-Most heaters are not used for six months out of the year. We must remember, we do live in the Panhandle of Texas, and the dirt does blow along with everyday life. Your heater can have caked on dirt over the surface of the burners and the heating exchange. In the summer months the number one problem can be a plugged-up coil or a dirt filled coil that mixes with pet dander and other particles in your home.

Indoor Air Quality-Adam’s Air is a firm believer in the quality of your air in your home. We want to stop the outside world coming into the inside world of your home. We can supply your home with the best in indoor air quality products from Air Oasis and other local companies. These products can and will make breathing inside your home easier and will have effects with anyone who has asthma, allergies and sinus conditions.

Adam’s Air wants to be your company that you call for servicing your HVAC. As our motto states, “We are a service company, not a sales company”. Call us today to schedule an appointment to inspect your heater or air-conditioner today and remind us to speak to you about indoor air quality.