A Thanksgiving With No Sweat Involved

Photo by David Meredrith


The web page, Real Simple, gives some great tips for making this Thanksgiving a bit easier.  Thanksgiving usually has family, friends, and lots of food, and people wanting to help but basically just getting in your way.   I don’t mean to sound rude but its true.  Well here a few tips to ease the stress and pain.

Print a Blank November Calendar

As you plan your meal, fill in each week with what you need and when to shop, and any deliveries that need to come to the house.

Make Your Grocery List on November 1st

Don’t wait until the week before Thanksgiving to figure out what you’re making—and don’t feel pressure to experiment with fancy recipes. Find a few you trust and put every ingredient on a shopping list. Divide the list into perishables and non-perishables, so you know what you can buy immediately (like spices) and what you’ll need to buy later (like milk).

Set the Table the Night Before

It’s a simple task, but it’s one thing you can cross off of your to-do list on the day of.

Empty the Dishwasher and all Trash Cans the Night Before

Plus, line your bins with extra garbage bags so you don’t have to hunt down a fresh bag when the garbage starts to overflow.

Prepare as Much as You Can in Advance

Gravy bases can be frozen and vegetables can be cooked and refrigerated for up to two days. For dishes that can’t be made ahead of time, consider the prep work that you can do in advance—like peeling potatoes so they’re ready for quick mashing.

Establish a Make-Your-Own, Breakfast Policy

If you have a house full of overnight guests, let them take care of the morning meal themselves. Stash ready-to-go foods (like muffins, granola bars, and cereal) in open spaces and let everyone know where milk, spoons, bowls, and napkins are in the kitchen. Establish the “every man for himself” rule first thing in the morning so that you can focus on cooking the feast (or making coffee).

Make Edible Napkin Rings for the Kid’s Table

That way, they won’t complain about being hungry before dinner. The secret? Use pre-made crescent or pizza dough baked into 4-inch rings.

Use Square and Rectangular Pans

This way, you’ll be able to fit more dishes in the oven—whether you’re cooking or just keeping things warm.

When In Doubt, Ask Guests to Bring Ice

You can never have enough. And when the refrigerator is full, ice buckets are a great way to keep drinks cold.

Save Easy Jobs for Early Birds

Chances are, at least one of your guests will arrive 30 minutes early. Rather than stressing about having everything ready, reserve a few simple tasks that people can help with, such as filling the breadbasket or pouring water.

Stock Up on Stain Busters

Yes, someone will spill red wine on a white shirt. For that, plus other guaranteed messes, stock cotton cloths, dish soap, white vinegar (for coffee stains), and pretreat sticks (like Tide to Go).

Use Dried Herbs

Just realized that you have store-bought dried basil in your pantry, but you’re lacking the “fresh sprigs of basil” your recipe requests? Don’t fret—and don’t run to the store. Instead, just use this substitution: 1 teaspoon of dried herbs for one tablespoon of fresh herbs.

Print Out the Turkey Time Chart

Just realized that you have store-bought dried basil in your pantry, but you’re lacking the “fresh sprigs of basil” your recipe requests? Don’t fret—and don’t run to the store. Instead, just use this substitution: 1 teaspoon of dried herbs for one tablespoon of fresh herbs.

Take Temperature Like a Pro

Our test kitchen warns: Don’t place your thermometer too close to the bone—it won’t read correctly. Instead, slide it into the thigh horizontally until it taps the bone and look for the magic number: 165° F.


Chill Wine Quickly

If guests arrive way too early (or you just need a glass after a long afternoon in the kitchen) try this trick for cooling your bottle fast: wrap it in a damp dishtowel or paper towel and stick it in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes.

We would like to take this time to wish you all a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving!


Not a Thing Wrong With Mac and Chesse! (comfort food for the fall).

autumn-leaves-in-palo-duro-canyon-11021397-ashley-mann   Summer is slowly fading away, and of course with that the season changes, tilting the earth a bit further away from the sun, and bringing all the things that people like about fall.  Football, cooler weather, and the changing of nature.  That’s a few things, but what about food?  Comfort food I’m talking about.  This recipe is amazing and will be a great addition to any meal or football game side.  Its Gouda Bacon Mac and Cheese, and this will comfort every bone in your body.   Here is the recipe.  Enjoy!



Gouda Bacon Macaroni and Cheese

yield: SERVES 10-12

prep time: 25 MINUTES

cook time: 25 MINUTES

Nothing says comfort food like homemade Macaroni and Cheese! The gouda adds a creamy tang while the baconadds a nice salty, smoked flavor! Try this at your next family dinner!


  • 16oz elbow macaroni, cooked and drained
  • 4 Tbsp butter
  • 2 1/4 cup skim milk
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard
  • 2 tsp worcestershire
  • 1lb smoked gouda cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 lb sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 5 slices bread (about 2cups crumbs)
  • 3 Tbsp butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup bacon, cooked and crumbled
  1. Prepare macaroni according to package directions. Set aside.
  2. In large pot, melt butter over medium high heat. Add skim milk and bring to near boiling. Reduce heat to medium and sprinkle in flour. Whisk vigorously over medium heat for 1-2 minutes. Mixture should be thick and boiling. Slowly add cream, while whisking. Add in salt, pepper, mustard and worcestershire sauce. Reduce heat to low and continue to stir for about 5 minutes.
  3. In food processor, shred Gouda and Cheddar cheese. Add to pot, stir until thoroughly combined.
  4. Add cooked macaroni to cheese mixture. Pour into a 13×9 dish.
  5. In same food processor bowl (no need to wash it after shredding the cheese), process 5 slices of bread to a fine crumb. Add melted butter. Sprinkle over macaroni. Top with crumbled bacon.
  6. Bake uncovered in a 375 degree oven for 25-30 minutes.ENJOY!

Energy Saver and Effcient Programmable Thermostats

  Do you remember when you were a kid and you went on vacation for a week with your family and when you came home the house was really hot, because your Dad turned the air off totally while you were gone.  Those days are long gone of course because technology is all around us.  We have had programmable thermostats for the home for many years now, but our techs still go to a house on a service call and see older, out of date stats that should be replaced.  

Your thermostat is the brain of your heating and cooling system, your HVAC.  The thermostat has an effect on the energy you use and the efficiency of your system, and if used properly will save your household money, using less electricity and gas with your HVAC.

 Adam’s Air recommends a programmable stat in your home so you can control the temperature in the best way possible to save money on your monthly bill, and for the system to run the way it should and in an efficient way.  

 Examples of in home programmable thermostat:

                setratiosize640240-honeywell-thermostat honeywell-1


 We use the Honeywell Thermostats with most of the installations we do.  Both of these work very well and can meet the expectations of what you need in heating and cooling your home.Programmable stats can be programmed to use less energy while no one is at home, and be able to start your heat or air before you get home so your house is comfortable when you arrive. There are also thermostats that you can purchase that you can control at home or by your smartphone, via an app you download.

Examples of smart phone thermostats:

ecobee3-smart-thermostat nest_thermostat_iphone


These thermostats can be synced to your smartphone and you can control your HVAC from your phone practically anywhere in the world!   The latest generation of these types of thermostats can learn your temperature habits and will build a schedule around yours and program your HVAC to work harder or less when needed.  These marvels of the new age also changes programs with each season!  And independent survey shows installing and using these sort of programmable thermostats can save families 10-12% of their heating bill and 15% of their cooling bill.

Interested?   Give Adam’s Air a call for a quote on one of these fabulous thermostats today.  Call us, 806-316-1103

Dirty and Moldy AC Coils

 uncased-coilClean coil         dirty-sock-syndrome-moldy-coil  Dirty Coil



 We do live in a dry climate but inside your air conditioning system it’s totally different.   Here is what happens.   Cold gas is pumped through an air conditioner coil. A coil is made up of copper tubing with aluminum fins. The cold gas travels through the copper coil transmitting its low temperature to the aluminum fins, which are now chilled.

 Return air from the house is filtered and blown through the air conditioner coil fins, which are chilled. The filtered return air is chilled by passing over, under, and around the chilled aluminum fins and copper tubing. The chilled fins condense the moisture out of the return air, much the same as a chilled glass of water. The moisture drips off the fins down to a collector or drip pan, where it is drained away as condensate wastewater.

  If you don’t keep a good maintenance record on your HVAC it can and will get dirty, with dust, pet dander and more than likely mold. When your coil gets blocked up and covered with the above mentioned items, the system has to work harder and in time the coil will sometimes start collecting ice and stop doing its job, and usually it’s too late to repair, now you have to replace.Clean coil

 We have to get to the source of the problem, and it is usually a few things,.  Dirty equipment, a source where mold can live which is moisture, usually from the drain pan under your system,  The excess moisture collected off the coil ends up in the drain pain.  This will grow and develop mold, but calling Adam’s Air out to your home at least twice a year for a maintenance check can prevent this.

There are also products that will cut down on dirt and mold collecting and those are electronic air cleaners and a Bi-Polor system made by the local company, Air Oasis.  These two products alone, along with HVAC maintenance twice a year from Adam’s Air will keep your HVAC system running easier, smoother and keep your energy bills lower in the long run.  Call us today to let us take a look at  your air conditioning and heater system today.  It’s never too early to make sure your heater is ready to go.

Air Quality in Your Home-IT’S IMPORTANT!!!

 Air Quality in the high plains of Texas is not perfect as you all know.  And inside your house right now the quality of air could be worse than it is outside.  I know what you’re saying, I keep a clean house, I use cleaners and products that help take pollutants out of the air.  Well, maybe, do you know that cleaning products and detergents with fragrances can release chemicals in the air of your home to cause your house to be worse than you think it is.  Look for products that have a green seal on it, this means these are safe to use in your home. 

   What about everyday items in your home?  Bedding on your bed, pillows, sheets and comforters should be washed weekly .  This will reduce allergens, including dust mites in your home.  Consider removing your shoes at the entrance you come in from.  Think where you walk, do you want to track all that over your floors and carpet?  Leave floor mats at all entrances to your home.  Use high efficiency particulate air vacuum cleaners, (HEPA), with disposable bags, and use microfiber cloths for surface dust removal.

  Moisture inside the home in the home is not good thing to have as you know,  if there are any leaks in your home promptly fix them.  If you see mold on any porous materials, such as drywall, ceiling tiles or wood, discard them and replace.  Run the exhaust fans while showering.  House plants can improve indoor air quality by filtering carbon dioxide, however over watering can encourage mold growth.

If the weather is nice and its cool outside we open a lot of windows for fresh air, but this cause outdoor allergens to come into your home.  Please make sure that anything having to do with your air conditioning and your furnace systems are kept in check by checking your filters and media.  Filters should be changed every three months.  When you forget the filter has to work harder to keep the place not only running your equipment efficiently but it keeps cleaning the air inside your home.   And if your home has an EAC, or an electronic air cleaner be sure your media gets changed out every four months.  Unplug your EAC, take it outside and with a soft paint brush clean the metal grating for efficient cleaning.  If you are using the Air Oasis, Bi-Polar machine, be sure you clean the posts with a soft cloth.

   And finally call Adam’s Air and book time for us to come out and check out your furnace so it will be ready to work in the best way when it gets cold, and believe me it will get cold.  



Call us today, 806-316-1106