Frozen Coil is Telling You Trouble is Ahead!


           Has your air conditioner during these hot few weeks seem to not keep up with keeping the house cool?  If its not, there could be some problems that can turn into larger expensive problems.  Your inside coil that is attached to the HVAC could be frozen.  If you look at the attached picture, we pulled this coil out because it had frozen up so many times, that it needed to be replaced.  There are a few things that the homeowner can and should do that could save you money.  

  • Change air filters- This is the number one culprit that will block airflow during summer and winter.  When the filter is full it blocks air flow and makes your system work harder to supply fresh clean air.  Dirty filters mean added stress on your compressor and other components.  A new compressor runs from $1000- up and over to $1800., installed. Change your filter every three months and in peak times of summer and winter change it out once a month.
  • Low Refrigerant Levels- Your system could be leaking refrigerant. Low levels of refrigerant can make the evaporator coil too cold and it could freeze up.
  • Insufficient Fan Speed- The fan inside your home must blow fast enough to keep proper amount of air blowing over the coil.  A technician can increase the fan speed and most likely do away with freezing coil.
  • Thermostat Problems- The AC could run all night when it doesn’t need to do so.  This wastes energy and money and can freeze the air conditioner.   Have a technician check the thermostat for wiring issues or replace it with a energy or Wi-Fi model.
  • Drainage Problems- You have a drain pan under your unit which keeps the excess water coming off the coil.  When summer is here and your AC is working overtime, the water can sometimes back up because a drain might be plugged up.  A technician can come out and unplug the drain.  If this doesn’t happen the pan can leak over and the water ends up on your ceiling and eventually leak through to your house.  The water can also start freezing from pan and go all the way back to your coil.

     A couple of items you can do in your home and then call Adams Air and have us go over everything in the HVAC system.

Simple Steps for a More Efficient Summer, ( chilling this summer)

Summer is upon us and we have a couple of steps to make your outside unit run in the most efficient way. When your HVAC is not clean, efficiency of the unit drops, and your AC won’t cool your home like it should. When your outside condenser is full of leaves and dirt and grime the unit loses power, it could drop by more than 30%. When this happens your unit will be at 60-70 % effective. Grab your water hose and place a power washer nozzle on it and you can spray the inside and the out side of the coil to clean it up. Its that easy. Also please check your inside filters to make sure they are clean and free of debris. Change out an average of every three months.

Fan Blower Wheel Must be Kept Clean

In your HVAC there is a blower and a fan that pushes heat or air out to your home, what ever the season might be, winter or summer. These blower wheels are designed to push air out. Any dirt on the blades will cause your blower motor to work harder. This makes your system draw more amps but pushes less air, and your system is less efficient. This of course makes your system get hot and lower the life expediency of your system. If the wheel and or motor gets really dirty your HVAC might stop working ! Maintenance is the number one item that should always be on the top of your list and Adam’s Air is the one to call. This is one of the many items we look at when we do inspections on your equipment. When it needs cleaning we will tell you, and we will clean it! For home owners, please PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!! Change your filters out, this is will cut down on dirt and hair collecting on the wheel and motor. Every three months is average, but in peak times we suggest every two months. Call Adam’s AIr today, 806-316-1103.

HVAC Preventative Maintenance

As you know preventative maintenance on your HVAC is very important. All the air that is in your home runs through the HVAC. Every year, every day, every minute your heater or air conditioner is on this takes place. Why is preventative maintenance important?

Longer Useful Life– your HVAC can last up to twenty years if you take care of it. Simply changing out air filters will make a huge difference.

Increased Safety– Biannual maintenance checks allows a professional to clean your system and inspect all parts of the furnace or air conditioner and coil. That’s why with Adam’s Air, we offer free Summarization and Winterization for home owners.

Lower Energy Costs-An inspection from an Adam’s Air technician ensures your HVAC is running at its peak efficiency. If not checked before peak times of performance at the start of summer and winter, your system can lose up to 40% of its efficiency.

Reduced Risk of HVAC Shutdown-Most heaters are not used for six months out of the year. We must remember, we do live in the Panhandle of Texas, and the dirt does blow along with everyday life. Your heater can have caked on dirt over the surface of the burners and the heating exchange. In the summer months the number one problem can be a plugged-up coil or a dirt filled coil that mixes with pet dander and other particles in your home.

Indoor Air Quality-Adam’s Air is a firm believer in the quality of your air in your home. We want to stop the outside world coming into the inside world of your home. We can supply your home with the best in indoor air quality products from Air Oasis and other local companies. These products can and will make breathing inside your home easier and will have effects with anyone who has asthma, allergies and sinus conditions.

Adam’s Air wants to be your company that you call for servicing your HVAC. As our motto states, “We are a service company, not a sales company”. Call us today to schedule an appointment to inspect your heater or air-conditioner today and remind us to speak to you about indoor air quality.

Clogged Condensate Drain Means Problems

You know your condensate drain is clogged when you see water on the floor, or if you are seeing what could be water coming through your ceiling into your home this could cause even more costly problems. You see the drain pulls excess water from your systems and sometimes with our weather and wind and dust the drain will clogged up not only with dirt but it the water sits for a while it could carry mold, mildew and bacteria and mix with the water and dirt. When this happens the drain pan backs up and sometime flows over the top and that’s when you can get water damage.

The best preventive maintenance you can do is call Adams Air at least a couple of times a year so we can perform a Winterazation and Summerazation on your HVAC, to make sure your system is ready for hot and cold weather. We also check your coil and your drain to make sure it is in working order. Call us today to schedule your appointment, at 806-316-1103.